Our Present
Achievements in 2023
In 2023, we expanded our network and introduced technological upgrades, further enhancing our service offerings across the Mat-Su Valley and beyond. Our achievements in regulatory milestones and grants have bolstered our capabilities, enabling us to reach more Alaskans and bridge the digital divide.
Additionally, we helped the Alaska Department of Transportation with three large relocation projects on Knik Goose Bay Road, Glenn Highway, and the Seward Meridian Parkway. These projects involved moving the physical infrastructure from one location to another to allow for road construction and new transportation routes.
Highlight: ReConnect 4
One of the year’s highlights was the awarding of a $12.6 million USDA ReConnect 4 grant, which will bring the Tyonek Alaska Native Village Statistical Area safe and dependable internet service to the community. This grant will facilitate the deployment of 41 miles of fiber transport from MTA’s network at Point Mackenzie, which will feed distribution fiber to the Native Village of Tyonek. This will replace the limited microwave that’s currently being used for transport and bring secure and reliable service capable of 100/100 Mbps - a 100% increase in speed compared to what is currently available.
This project, which is currently in the permitting phase with construction beginning this year, follows MTA serving of the Native Village of Tyonek with telecommunications products and services for decades.
$12.6 Million
Grant Awarded02
Increase in Speed03
Kick OffIn 2023, MTA had 24 line crews consisting of 84 personnel on projects between MTA and contractors, with highlights of outside plant (OSP) work including:
494 OSP work orders placing 147 miles of fiber
72 fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) greenfield subdivisions
Multiple brownfield subdivisions placing over 43 miles of fiber
40.6 miles of clearing 5.5 miles of directional Boring
Projects in 2023
Our teams worked tirelessly in 2023 to keep up with the growing demands of our serving area. From Eagle River to Healy and everywhere in between, we made drastic network improvements and expanded our network to meet the growth in population of our area.
Here is a look at some of our projects in 2023:
Plat Reviews Given
Feet of Right of Way Cleared
24 of 42
Subdivision Agreements Completed
Right of Way Permits Obtained
Our People
The dedication and achievements of our employees have been instrumental in our success. MTA was proud to be recognized for our accomplishments, along with individual members of our team:

Gary Enloe
Vice President of Network Engineering, Planning & Operations
was honored as the first-ever NTCA Innovator of the Year at its RTIME conference. Gary was recognized for developing a tool that simplifies the process of defining parameters required to deliver broadband to our members, allowing connectivity to be provided reliably and at maximum speeds.
Michael Burke
Chief Executive Officer
was a recipient of the Alaska Journal of Commerce’s “Top 24 Achievements in Business Leadership” Award for the bold and strategic vision he has laid out while leading MTA.

Jessica Gilbert
Director of Marketing and Communications
was recognized as one of the Alaska Journal of Commerce’s Top 40 Under 40 honorees for her remarkable dedication and contributions to both MTA and her community.
Beyond Broadband
Our mission extends far beyond providing internet and phone services — we strive to be a vital part of the community we serve. In 2023, we continued to champion our “Beyond Broadband” initiative that fosters connection, supports local growth, and inspires future generations.
MTA Foundation
Through the MTA Foundation, we have deepened our community engagement on an organizational level, supporting philanthropic initiatives and fostering partnerships that strengthen local ties. Our efforts extend beyond broadband, with initiatives like MTA Gaming and tribal engagement, enriching our community’s social and cultural fabric.
Donations Awarded in Mat-Su
Grants Awarded
In Scholarships Awarded
Giving Back
Community Engagement
Our members aren’t the only ones who proudly represent Alaska — our workforce does as well. This means after they spend their days (or nights) connecting and empowering our communities, they spend much of their free time giving back in other ways.
Giving back to the Mat-Su Valley remains front and center for individuals like Government, Community and Tribal Affairs Manager Jackie Kenshalo, a Board Member for Alaska Family Service; Director of Marketing and Communications Jess Gilbert, a member of the Alaska Food Bank’s Board of Directors; and Assistant Financial Controller Raelynn Danielowski serving on the Mat-Su Health Foundation’s Board of Directors. And like many Alaskans, our team can’t get enough of the outdoors and athletics, with Health, Safety and Environmental Manager Regg Simon serving as an Alaska Department of Fish & Game Hunter Education Instructor, Marketing Manager Elias Rojas as a Board Member for the Arctic Winter Games, and Billing Analyst II Nicole Greening as the Treasurer for the Hatcher Pass Snow Rider Club.
MTA Gaming
Over the past several years, MTA’s annual gaming tournament has become a flagship event, significantly contributing to the MTA Foundation through substantial fundraising efforts. MTA Gaming enhances community engagement and brand visibility through partnerships and tournaments, focusing on community-building initiatives that not only raise awareness of its causes but also engage a diverse array of participants and donors. In 2023, these efforts culminated in MTA Gaming raising $58,000 for the MTA Foundation with the support of our generous sponsors.
Additionally, the collaboration between MTA Gaming and the MTA Foundation in 2023 earned MTA Gaming a nomination as a finalist for the 2023 Tempest Awards in the ‘Best Charity or Social Good Initiative’ category. This nomination underscores MTA’s innovative use of gaming as a platform for social good, enhancing charitable fundraising and promoting an inclusive gaming community throughout Alaska.
In Scholarships Raised
Viewership Growth from 2023
Channel Follows Growth from 2023
Hours Watched During 2023
Unique Viewers Across the Globe
Community Impact
Employee Giving Campaign
MTA’s annual campaign focused on encouraging employees to give back to their communities has once again been a tremendous success, raising $22,000 for Thrive Mat-Su, a program that plays a crucial role supporting youth in the Mat-Su Valley.
Thrive Mat-Su, spearheaded by the United Way of Mat-Su, focuses on youth engagement and substance use prevention and has demonstrated remarkable progress and community impact since its founding. This year, Thrive Mat-Su’s events have seen significant growth in participation, such as their annual Halloween party which grew from 146 attendees to 639 in just one year.
This growth underscores the importance and effectiveness of Thrive Mat-Su’s programs in creating a positive environment for youth — and MTA is proud to have played a part in it.
Supporting Youth
MTA Invests in Indigenous Workforce Development
MTA recognizes the importance of nurturing and inspiring the next generation of technology professionals. Through initiatives like the annual Youth Technology Tour, MTA actively engages with students from local communities, including the Native Village of Eklutna and the Traditional Village of Chickaloon.
During the second annual Youth Technology Tour held in early July, MTA hosted students and provided them with a comprehensive overview of the wide variety of technology careers available within the organization. The students had the opportunity to interact with over ten departments, ranging from customer service to engineering and construction, gaining valuable insights into the diverse roles and responsibilities within the telecommunications industry.
Financial Report
CEO Remuneration Statement
Pursuant to MTA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 5(g), CEO remuneration, including the value of benefits for the year ending December 31, 2023, has been certified by the Secretary of the MTA Board of Directors in the amount of $652,394.15.
Looking for our Annual Report Financials?
This year, the financial report can be found by logging into myMTA: