Our Legacy

As MTA commemorates its 70th anniversary, we reflect on a journey of ceaseless innovation and transformative milestones. Our journey from humble beginnings to becoming Alaska’s beacon of connectivity is a story of transformation, resilience, and foresight. From our early days to the launch of AlCan ONE and beyond, we have consistently pushed the boundaries of technology to serve our members better.


Seven Decades of Innovation

Humble Beginnings

Our story began in the early 1950s, rooted in the mission to provide essential telephone services to Alaska’s remote communities. These foundational years were characterized by manual switchboards and copper wires, setting the stage for a legacy of connectivity.


The advent of the internet marked a significant turning point for MTA. Recognizing the transformative potential of this new technology, we were among the first in Alaska to offer internet services to our members. This move expanded our service offerings and laid the groundwork for the digital revolution in our communities.

Advanced Business Solutions

Entering the 21st century, MTA expanded its portfolio to include advanced business solutions, catering to the growing needs of Alaska’s commercial sector. This period was defined by the launch of innovative services such as VoIP, cloud computing, and cybersecurity solutions, enhancing the operational efficiency of businesses throughout the state.


Perhaps one of our most ambitious projects, AlCan ONE, exemplifies our commitment to innovation and connectivity. This fiber optic network project enhanced the reliability and speed of our services and positioned Alaska as a key player in the global telecommunications landscape.

Today’s Interconnected Work and Learning Environment

The 2020s have been characterized by the rapid acceleration of digital connectivity, with a shift towards an interconnected work and learning environment. MTA has been at the forefront, facilitating remote work, telemedicine, and online education, ensuring our members stay connected in an increasingly virtual world.

MTA Foundation

Since our early years, MTA has recognized the vital role of innovation within our organization, the industry, and our community. With the creation of the MTA Foundation, which provides grants, scholarships, and donations to local businesses and residents, we’ve ensured that the Mat-Su Valley experiences the same growth and development that MTA does.

MTA Fiber

What once seemed like something of science fiction in 1953, MTA’s continuously growing fiber-to-the-home projects provide faster speeds for numerous neighborhoods across its service area by upgrading copper connections to fiber. With this work, the Mat-Su Valley community’s growing technology needs are met, and the future is already planned.